Tag Archives: acrylic teeth art


I’ve been making felt teeth for about 5 years.  They are a pretty popular item being snapped up by dentists, dental nurses and anyone with something going on with their teeth.  I’ve even made myself a tooth with a crack it when I found out I had a crack in my tooth and needed a crown.

I still make the felt teeth but these days I also enjoy making teeth from other materials as well as working with acrylic teeth-they are a little bit freaky!  I also have a plaster version of my teeth that is used to make my mouth guard (I’m a terrible tooth grinder in my sleep).

My partner and I visited Reverse Garbage over the weekend and I spotted a lot of plaster teeth, below.


This made me think of all of my favourite teeth I’ve made. Below are some of my favourite teeth creations.


Laser Cut Tooth Earrings


Acrylic teeth into some Plasticine. This is something I’m playing with while trying to learn stop motion.


Carving a tooth stamp.


The tooth that started it all.  Mr Felty.


Wooden Tooth Brooch